Everyone who is successful in online business seems to understand that content is king-especially successful bloggers. It is true to some extent that content really is king-you have to have great articles or videos in order to make your site interesting to anyone.
But the truth is that great content is not enough. You have to promote your content once it is published in order to get it in front of people. If you cannot get it in front of anybody, then it's like it never existed in the first place. Great content that can help people or provide information should be shown to an audience.
Here are four ways to get more blog traffic.
Blog Traffic Tip #1
Write Great Content. This is the first part of the whole equation. If you write great content, people are going to want to read it, save it, bookmark it, forward it to friends, and read it over and over again. This is the very first ingredient to getting a lot of blog traffic.
Blog Traffic Tip #2
Promote Your Content from other Blogs. If you want to build some traffic to your blog or website, it is a great idea to offer to write a guest post for another blogger. If your offer is accepted, the blog owner may allow you to add a link back to your site in the footer of your article. This is a great way to expose your blog to a new audience.
Blog Traffic Tip #3
Write Content at Hubpages and build links to your blog. Once you have a few posts up on your blog, you are going to want to build some links to your work. Links do a couple of things: they help you create direct traffic to your site and they will help your site move up in the search engine results pages (SERPS), which is important for long term search traffic. You will be able to control your hubs at hubpages and can add links to your other work.
Blog Traffic Tip #4
Submit Articles to Article Directories. Article directories can be selective about the articles they receive, but after a couple of rejections you should be able to get the hang of how to write articles that get accepted. The advantage of article directories is that you can write authoritative articles that are moderated by human beings, which means that the article as a whole will be worth more to search engines. Writers can typically include two links to their own articles or blog posts in order to drive traffic and help with back link creation.
Other web publishers will pick up the articles and reprint them, creating even more links to your work. There are a bunch of ways to promote your work and drive traffic to your blog, and the more of them you try, the more exposure your blog will get. There is no one tried and true way to create traffic and it's true that it can be an uphill battle, but it is worth the hard work.
Chris is a writer, online marketer, and content publisher. Read a recent article about how to generate traffic with Article Directories. Read his recent article about how to make money writing at Hubpages.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_M_Mccarthy
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